Specialty gases place particular demands on fluid transfer components due to individual purity, toxicity and corrosive properties. The quality of your gas supply is no better than your gas distribution system. GSGEPL offers variety solutions for gas distribution system depending upon the property of the medium & the surrounding environment with central gas supply panels and point of use equipment to maintain system integrity and purity at all times.

The choice of materials for gas supply systems is determined by the gas to be distributed and the level of contamination that can be accepted in the gas. The inner surface finish of a system’s components is therefore of great importance to the final purity of the gas at the point of use. A better surface finish will also make the pipe system easier to clean and reduces the risk of particles being released into the gas stream.

In recent years stainless steel has become the number one choice of material for pure gas applications, because it is resistant to corrosion, as well as being consistent with the high standards of cleanliness & appearance in modern laboratories.

A quality supply system requires experience and expertise to design and install. GSGEPL can design and install these systems in accordance with your requirements & the related industrial standards followed throughout the world.

With the knowledge from our various partners around the globe, we ensure your gas distribution system meets demand requirements, as well as any local or regional safety requirements.

Offering services and hardware as well as comprehensive engineering solutions, GSGEPL is a specialty gases all-rounder and, at the same time, an experienced specialist for your individual tasks. That’s why, across a broad range of areas as diverse as R&D labs, semiconductor, photovoltaic, pharmaceutical, chemistry, petro chemistry, metallurgy, vehicle construction or environmental protection, space research, nuclear tubing, defence research applications, as well as for universities and research institutes, GSGEPL is the company to go to when you need to build and run a modern specialty gas supply system.

In a central gas supply system, the gas cylinders are collected at one location, usually in a separate room or building. This not only facilitates the delivery, exchange and removal of the cylinders, it also reduces the risk of accidents, as there is no need to handle the cylinders within working areas. In order to minimise the hazard potential and facilitate operations, only low-pressure equipment and small gas quantities are present at the work stations. The outlets positioned at every work station are safe, convenient and easy to use.

To lower costs for gas, cylinder rentals and transport charges, a continuous gas supply system should be used. This means less wasted time and fewer interruptions when changing the cylinders. Having larger and fewer gas cylinders which supply all users together also lead to a more effective emptying of the cylinders. In addition, storage monitoring and purchasing can be centralised and rationalised. And with the gas cylinders out of the way, the working areas can be designed more appropriately and ergonomically

For stainless-steel piping systems, we use automatic, computer controlled orbital welding equipment. This is in order to produce a tight gas system that can maintain demanding purity requirements. An orbital welded system has a smooth surface and lacks the “pockets” that collect impurities and particles in a closed loop system. The expected life time of a welded system also exceeds other welding methodology. An orbital welded system is your insurance to guarantee that the integrity of the specialty gas in your system is not modified.

Pressure testing is carried out according to applicable standards of a particular industry. The complete system is Pressurised and analysed to determine the pressure loss & the range of leak tightness of the complete system is measured with the help of helium leak detector either by sniffing or vacuum methods. A complete system, however, does not only contain tubing and components, it also consists of various engineered safety features. For instance flammable gas such as hydrogen requires flash back arrestors and excess flow check valves. Most systems are also equipped with safety and check valves. Some installations also require alarms combined with computerised surveillance systems.

  • R&D Laboratories
  • Semiconductor & Photovoltaic
  • OEM’s & Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical / Food / Beverages
  • Oil & Gas / Energy
  • Space & Defence Research
  • Automotive
  • Health Care